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'Supernatural' Fans Keep on Giving

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August 30, 2007

A few months back, we featured the fandom fund raising project “Fandom Rocks,” which successfully raised some cash for a homeless shelter in Lawrence , Kansas using nothing but the popularity of the CW's smash hit Supernatural.  Another charitable effort the stems from Supernatural fans seemingly endless capacity for generosity is Operation: Winchester .  The campaign is targeted at bringing some much-needed relief to the soldiers in Iraq by way of fan donated DVD sets of Supernatural Season 1.


The project has its home at the Supernatural underground website, a collective of fans from around the globe united in helping to promote the show and the various charitable and fan events that spawn from it.

The effort used to record the names of the soldiers that received packages from Supernatural fans, but that practice has been dashed due to security concerns. Still, judging by the popularity of the campaign, its safe to assume there are plenty of American soldiers in Iraq indoctrinated to the Winchester brothers war against evil.

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Demons Attack The Source (Or, What's Really Up With the Missing Jared Footage)

August 29, 2007

OK, so you know how we said we'd have cool footage of Jared from the Teen Choice Awards? Yeah, about that....

So here's what happened: We did everything in our power to get to Jared before, during and after the awards. We didn't get the exclusive interview we hoped for (apparently we didn't sacrifice a chicken to the correct God of PR Flunkies), but we figured hey, at least we'd have the stuff from the press tent.

Yeah, about that....

Something happened to our equipment. The sound cut out, and we just got a hissing voice saying "For access to Jared, please deposit another soul." Again, we were thwarted.

But fear not! We're currently making a deal with the Crossroads Demon to make it up to you. We can't give you details yet -- after all, our gutter souls might not be appetizing to the Big Bad Demon in charge -- but we're working on something highly cool. It'll be worth the wait, we promise.

So please don't kill us, Supernatural fans. Put away those shotguns and crossbows. Trust us: We're more useful to you alive.

Posted by Sarah at 2:34 PM

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S2 Bloopers picspam #1

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CW Network Affiliate Party
August 27, 2007 - Warner Bros. Lot
Burbank, California United States

28 August 2007 @ 04:06 pm

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One 'Supernatural' Conundrum May be Solved Early

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August 28, 2007

One of the over arcing issues for the Winchester brothers as they enter Supernatural season 3 is the deal that turned the hour glass on Dean's life. If left unresolved, Dean has to die. Naturally, this little problem is going to an imperative to the story. But, when, and how Dean (Jensen Ackles) can escape from the bargain is not known, yet. Some recent spoilers, on the other hand, suggest that the resolution have some sometime early in the first half of Supernatural's third season. Spoilers ahead.

In the episode “Bedtime Stories,” set to debut in November, Sam will take up the cause to reverse Dean's deal when he confronts the crossroads demon and tries to barter a release. The crossroads demon has an interesting reason for denying the request, it turns out the demon doesn't have the authority. Sam (Jared Padalecki) will shot the crossroads demon's human host after he learns that there is higher up pulling her strings.

This could equate, in some degree, to the endgame of the season. If the demon is one of those released during last seasons finale, no diversion would be necessary to track it down, and the confrontation could make for a heck of cliff hanger with Dean's life hanging in the balance.

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Supernatural Season 2 Airing in FRENCH

Written by Ellemsa   

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Season 2 of Supernatural will be airing on the TF6 channel (available on cable only) in France , starting September 17 at 8:50 p.m. Source: Allocine.com. Thanks to Aurelia for the tip.

Also, Supernatural Season 2 will start airing in French in Quebec on ZTele, Wednesday, August 29 at 8 p.m.



Supernatural 2 將在法國播出


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2007 Teen Choice Awards
August 26, 2007 - Gibson Amphitheater
Universal City, California United States

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Japanese Photographers - They Did it Again  
OMG, this Japanese photographers just gonna kill us with these great scans))Many thanks to Chevy bb67 for sharing

Posted bymarta_kent  [dean_sam]


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New Japanese Scans  

23 August 2007 @ 06:06 pm

God bless Japanese photographers they took so great pictures of Jensen Aclkes during his visit of Japan ))) Have a look on HQ scans. Thanks to Chevybb67 we can do it again.

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Supernatural: Spreading The Gospel of Mullet Rock, Plus News About the Deal

August 23, 2007

Mediavillage has a couple of great interviews with the folks behind Supernatural from Comic Con (Yeah, we know, we’re late to the party with these, but they’re still fun.)

Our favorite part? Eric Kripke admitting that this show is all about spreading his love for mullet rock among the masses: “One of the best pleasures I've had with this show is when I'm online checking out the blogs and there's this 14-year-old kid who says, 'What is this band, Foreigner and this song, Hot Blooded? I really liked it and I went out and bought the greatest hits of Foreigner' and I'm like, ah, I'm doing God's work! I'm introducing people to Foreigner; now if I can get people on board with Triumph! Spreading that sick obsession of mine has been very very gratifying."

Rock on, Kripke!

Plus, writer Sera Gamble promises that we’re not going to see a speedy resolution to Dean’s deal with the demon: "It's difficult to impossible to get out of that deal and they're being craftier than ever," says Sera, "and I can tell you, we're not going to let them off easily."

We think it sounds great! What about you?


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Supernatural' Set for a Return to It’s Serialized Roots

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August 22, 2007

With the premiere of Supernatural right around the corner, we are starting to ponder whether this shift back to the serialized format will be a positive thing for the show, or a negativeOn one hand, season 2 was insanely entertaining and some of the episodic attempts were on the level with the best shows in the genre bar noneOn the other hand, some attempts to work back into the serialized mythos seemed like put offs Will the serialized emphasis leave room for the creative diversions of season 2

While more seasoned genre fans smirked at season 2's ‘junior X-Files' approacheven the most brittle of horror fans can't help but admit that Supernatural is the only show bringing imaginative dark themed stories to the tube week after week

The move away from serialization was probably one of the smartest moves they ever madeand proved that the creative team was definitely quicker on their feetDuring Supernatural's first seasonseveral attempts to cash in on the Lost serial magic – ThresholdSurfaceNight Stalkerand Invasion to name a few – fell flat Supernatural was one of the few to escape with a second season

Part of that luck came from the nebulous realm of subject matter that Supernatural dealt withPundits argue that even though Supernatural had an underlying serial mythologyit was always episodic in the sense that the manifestations dealt with on a week to week basis were of a unique natureRather than have an event committed plotSupernatural had the ability to explore its underlying woes in whatever setting they chose

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Episode 2.20 What Is And What Should Never Be

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本集代表性的一張照片應該是下面這張Dean的搞笑表情吧。。。 哈哈~


Episode 2.19 Folsom Prison Blues

編劇:John Shiban

導演:Mike Rohl

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'Supernatural' Season 3 Preview

For the latest Supernatural news, subscribe to our RSS feed or email newsletter. Email this Article to a Friend

August 14, 2007

With the CW's Supernatural just under eight weeks away, fans are scrambling to find details on the upcoming season. Luckily, we have wrangled together what amounts to a decent preview of Supernatural's first month back on the air, new characters and all. In a word, the episodes sound fantastic. Even with the slight descriptions we have, you can see that the season will have a cohesiveness more akin to serialized drama's like Lost and Heroes. Beware, light spoilers lay ahead. 

Supernatural 3.01 – The Magnificent Seven (airs October 4)

This episode deals directly with the aftermath of the boys opening the gate to hell. Seven demons have crossed over altogether and the Winchesters will get a taste of what it is going to be like to clean up the mess in this one. Expect Ruby (Katie Cassidy) to make her debut as Ruby in this episode.

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[ 法國Magazine ]2007_total_stars


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因為美國 Supernatural 的眾多Fans強烈反對~




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'Supernatural' Season 3 to Return To Mythos

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August 8, 2007

Supernatural creator Eric Kripke has given some extremely encouraging news regarding season three of the creepy CW hit.  When Supernatural returns, look for it to return to the linear, single mythology structure of season 1 versus the episodic structure of season 2.   This is one issue Supernatural fans have been somewhat split on since season 2 began, but given the events of the finale, its easy to see how following one story arc could be a huge benefit for Supernatural, which is trying to make its mark all over again.

With season two teasing at the underlying mythology, and even faking us out a couple of times, the season was a bit frustrating for fans who were tied up in the pace of season 1.  Call it Veronica Mars syndrome.  Mars went from two seasons of single arc mysteries, padded by one shots, to mini arcs topped off by a run of single shots.  Yeah, it didn't work too well for her either, but at least Supernatural made it under the gate.

In a talk with Sci Fi Wire, Kripke indicated that he was excited to get back into a single arc. "There's so much we're paying off," he said. "I feel the mythology was great in season one. I think the stand-alones were great in season two. But I think the mythology of season two was just okay. It was too complicated. It wasn't as visceral as 'find dad.' And in season three we're back to a really visceral mythology, which is 'It's war, what do we do?' And so we're really excited about that mythology, and we feel, again, it's going to be the most exciting season yet.' Kripke said.

With the slow progression into the war, season 3 will also be a much easier junction for new viewers to jump onboard.   Essentially there is only a season and quarter of mythology to actually catch up on.

- Jon Lachonis, BuddyTV Senior Writer

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Supernatural Big Bad BracketThe Final Two—Let The Trash Talking Begin

We’re down to the finals of our Big Bad Bracket. This week, we see the ultimate battle between Dead Daddy Winchester and Bobby. Who will win? Your votes will tell -- so get voting!

In our last round, things got a little hairy. Dead Daddy Winchester positively murdered the Shapeshifter, but Self-Esteem Issues put up a surprisingly strong fight against fan favorite Bobby. It came down to the wire, but Bobby finally pulled it off by a handful of votes.

But how will things play out between Dead Daddy Winchester and Bobby? Here’s our latest take on the final competitors:

Dead Daddy Winchester has a lot going for him – serious Hunting chops, rugged good looks, and fan support. Say what you will about his parenting skills (and god knows we have), but you’ve got to give John credit for stepping up when it counted. At the beginning of the season, he sacrificed his life so Dean could live; in the last episode, he crawled out of hell and provided a vital edge so Dean could finish off the Yellow-Eyed Demon once and for all. For that, Dead Daddy, we salute you.

Then there’s Bobby – the wise Hunter, the stable figure, the one who can’t be conned and can’t be surprised. Bobby’s got a lifetime of experience behind him, and he’s you know, still actually alive. That’s got to count for something. Plus, we’re still tickled every time we remember that holy-water-spiked beer. Awesome!

So it comes to this: The actual father versus the father-figure, the dead versus the living, the Marine jacket versus the trucker hat. Who will win it all, and stand triumphant over our Big Bad Bracket? Your votes decide, so vote now!

Also, feel free to use the comments to talk up or trash the competitor of your choice. It’s not a real competition until the trash talk starts to fly!

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Creation Entertainment's

BURBANK, CA ( Los Angeles Area)

Sat. & Sun. October 27-28, 2007

Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel

2500 Hollywood Way

We are happy to present a weekend salute to the sensational series SUPERNATURAL. Creation has been presenting fan conventions for an incredible 36 years and it is rare to find a television series that has quickly gained such fervent popularity. It reminds us of the early days of another series that we had the pleasure of working with running conventions and merchandising: The X-Files! SUPERNATURAL fans are invited to join in the fun: two full days of eerie entertainment highlighted by our guests, events and attractions. And, we'll be debuting lots of super-cool new officially licensed SUPERNATURAL merchandise. You gotta be with us!

Please note: we also have a Serenity/Firefly Fan Convention going on this weekend in the hotel in different ballrooms. Both events will share a common vendors room, Saturday Evening Dessert Party, and Sunday Morning Breakfast and Charity Auction. More guests to meet, more fans to greet: should be fantastic. Information to follow soon, keep watching this space.


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