Supernatural Big Bad Bracket:The Final Two—Let The Trash Talking Begin!
We’re down to the finals of our Big Bad Bracket. This week, we see the ultimate battle between Dead Daddy Winchester and Bobby. Who will win? Your votes will tell -- so get voting!
In our last round, things got a little hairy. Dead Daddy Winchester positively murdered the Shapeshifter, but Self-Esteem Issues put up a surprisingly strong fight against fan favorite Bobby. It came down to the wire, but Bobby finally pulled it off by a handful of votes.
But how will things play out between Dead Daddy Winchester and Bobby? Here’s our latest take on the final competitors:
Dead Daddy Winchester has a lot going for him – serious Hunting chops, rugged good looks, and fan support. Say what you will about his parenting skills (and god knows we have), but you’ve got to give John credit for stepping up when it counted. At the beginning of the season, he sacrificed his life so Dean could live; in the last episode, he crawled out of hell and provided a vital edge so Dean could finish off the Yellow-Eyed Demon once and for all. For that, Dead Daddy, we salute you.
Then there’s Bobby – the wise Hunter, the stable figure, the one who can’t be conned and can’t be surprised. Bobby’s got a lifetime of experience behind him, and he’s you know, still actually alive. That’s got to count for something. Plus, we’re still tickled every time we remember that holy-water-spiked beer. Awesome!
So it comes to this: The actual father versus the father-figure, the dead versus the living, the Marine jacket versus the trucker hat. Who will win it all, and stand triumphant over our Big Bad Bracket? Your votes decide, so vote now!
Also, feel free to use the comments to talk up or trash the competitor of your choice. It’s not a real competition until the trash talk starts to fly!
'Supernatural' Star Padalecki Snares Trilogy Deal
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August 6, 2007
Supernatural star Jared Padalecki may be best known these days for battling demons, driving a cool car, and driving all the young girls crazy, but the young star will be trading his Kerouac from hell gig, temporarily, to portray famous Christmas artist Thomas Kinkade in a trio of films being developed by Lionsgate.
Kinkade is best known for his warm exterior portraits of Christmas scenes. Snow flying in startling white sheets and blowing drifts bathed by warm light, Kinkade's signature style has come to symbolize the ideal for a Christmas firmly situated in Americana . Sure his motifs are as cornball and ‘square' as you can get, but there is no mistaking his influence on the visual definition of the perfect Christmas. Kinkade's portfolio is not exclusively Christmas themed, but it is his staple none-the-less.
In the films, Padalecki will portray the painter in reminiscences of real life events that inspired particular pieces of art from the Kinkade collection. If you are wondering, so far the plots include more than one authentic Christmas miracle, and if you're a gambler, I'd expect even money on the other two also having something to do with Walmart's favorite holiday.
The first film is assured a holiday big screen release, meaning Jared Padalecki will be getting some much deserved big screen exposure. As far as the leap of narrative goes, fans will no doubt remember that Padalecki does have some sappy drama in his background via his experience with Gilmore Girls.
The timeline for shooting the films has not been released, but it is a safe bet the first will not interfere with the filming of the third season of Supernatural. The timing on the subsequent duo of films may be telling for Padalecki's future on Supernatural. With the fact widely known that Supernatural barely made a third season, Padalecki might well be looking for a steady gig elsewhere should it not be so lucky the fourth time around.
- Jon Lachonis, BuddyTV Senior Writer
Source: Box Office Prophet
(Image Courtesy of the CW)