Supernatural: Spreading The Gospel of Mullet Rock, Plus News About the Deal
August 23, 2007
Mediavillage has a couple of great interviews with the folks behind Supernatural from Comic Con (Yeah, we know, we’re late to the party with these, but they’re still fun.)
Our favorite part? Eric Kripke admitting that this show is all about spreading his love for mullet rock among the masses: “One of the best pleasures I've had with this show is when I'm online checking out the blogs and there's this 14-year-old kid who says, 'What is this band, Foreigner and this song, Hot Blooded? I really liked it and I went out and bought the greatest hits of Foreigner' and I'm like, ah, I'm doing God's work! I'm introducing people to Foreigner; now if I can get people on board with Triumph! Spreading that sick obsession of mine has been very very gratifying."
Rock on, Kripke!
Plus, writer Sera Gamble promises that we’re not going to see a speedy resolution to Dean’s deal with the demon: "It's difficult to impossible to get out of that deal and they're being craftier than ever," says Sera, "and I can tell you, we're not going to let them off easily."
We think it sounds great! What about you?
Posted by Sarah at 9:00 AM
媒體在Comic Con中針對民俗背後的Supernatural有兩次偉大的訪問(是的,我們知道,我們對這些Party晚到,但是他們仍然是很有樂趣的.)
我們最喜愛的部分嗎?Eric Kripke承認這部影集是與在群眾中傳播他對搖滾樂的愛有關︰我這節目有最好最快樂的‥是我在網路上檢查部落格的時候那裏有個14歲的孩子說,”這個什麼樂團,外國人和這歌,熱血沸騰?我真的喜歡它和我出去時買外國人的最熱門的並且我喜歡這樣,是的,我正在做著上帝的工作!我正在介紹這些人給外國人;現在如果我能獲勝的在飛機上找到人﹗對於為傳播著迷的我來說是讓人一直非常非常喜悅的。 "
以及,作家Sera Gamble承諾我們不會看見一場Dean和魔鬼的迅速交易︰"這是很困難和不可能擺脫那場交易並且他們比以前更狡猾",Sera說,"並且我能告訴你,我們將不容易讓他們結束。"