
CW Network Affiliate Party
August 27, 2007 - Warner Bros. Lot
Burbank, California United States

28 August 2007 @ 04:06 pm


Fromtwistedlaletz [dean_sam]



Jared at the CW Affiliates Launch Party  

28 August 2007 @ 02:44 pm 

Could he be ANY CUTER?!
I was just googling through getty when I saw these. Not HQ and all tagged, but hell, HE is CUTE! Apparently he is doing his job representing SN (this was yesterday according to the date).



Fromnyaubaby [dean_sam]



From The Press Tent: Jared Just Stopped By!

August 27, 2007

Jared just stopped by the press tent for a few questions. Since we were probably almost the first press group to arrive here, we'd staked out front-row seats in here. So we were about ten feet from Jared. Ahhh! The hotness. Somehow, we managed to maintain our composure and get in a few questions.

We'll have video up tomorrow of Jared's press room chat, including what he's listening to now, how he changed his mindset when going from taping Supernatural to Christmas Cottage, and even his fave holiday traditions (they get some pretty random questions in here). But here's one tidbit. Jared mentioned that he was totally hot (as in, sweating hot, not sexy hot), and one of the press gals shouted, "Take off your shirt, then!" And he honestly seemed like he was about to... which probably would have sent the room into a collective swoon (it's like 100 degrees in here). Alas. But nevertheless, he was very charming and forthcoming and chatty. More soon...


Posted by Jackie at 7:46 PM


從這新聞帳篷︰ Jared剛剛拜訪﹗


我們明天將會有Jared在新聞室聊天室的錄影帶,包括他現在正在聽的,他如何改變他的心態從他拍攝Supernatura到電影Christmas Cottage, 甚至他最喜愛的傳統假期為何(他們在這裡得到一些相當漂亮隨意的問題)。但這是一小口的美味。Jared提及他真的很熱(當時在過程中,是出汗的熱,不是性感的熱),並且現場一名女性記者大叫,"脫掉你的襯衫,待會!"並且他誠實地看起來像是他正要可能把這房間搞到集體暈厥(在這裡看起來像100度)。 哎呀。 但是雖然如此,他非常迷人和即將要來好好聊天。更快 ...



Teen Choice Pics: Jared, Sophia, and Jaslene

August 27, 2007

Without further ado,

here's the first batch of Teen Choice pics. More are on the way!










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