2007/10/05】【公告】“ANDY Secret Photo Collection” 發行導讀

大家好,這裡是 ND Entertainment

為了紀念Andy音樂劇出道而製作的“ANDY  Secret Photo Collection”已經發行了

販賣地點在音樂劇[music in my heart]的上演劇場


“ANDY  Secret Photo Collection” 中包含

ANDY Photo Box 其中有Andy親自寫的音樂劇幕后花絮&Photo未公開照片貼紙和親筆簽名



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[賽車]愛國者乘邁凱倫戰車 林志穎程叢夫楊陽助威

http://sports.tom.com  20071006 0005分 Tom 專稿 方肇

TOM體育訊 今天(105日)下午,當22F1賽車在上海賽車場裡風馳電掣地進行著賽前最重要的不計時練習之際,位于賽場主看台正對面的水景廣場上,眾多車迷也被吸引到了愛國者的展區。自從今年初贊助了麥凱倫車隊以來,愛國者等待這一刻,已經急不可耐了。


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Exclusive Interview: 'Supernatural' Executive Producer Robert Singer

For the latest Supernatural news, subscribe to our RSS feed or email newsletter. Email this Article to a Friend

October 4, 2007

Supernatural returns tonight, and we had the opportunity a while back to connect with executive producer Robert Singer to discuss the philosophy behind the show's story-telling, what to expect from season 3 of Supernatural, and how they are weathering the backlash over the addition of new characters.

Because of technical difficulties, this is a partial transcript.

I was really curious looking over your credits, you’re actually involved with a couple of my favorite horror films, Trilogy of Terror and Burnt Offering. How do you think the old horror genre stuff compares to what’s going on with Supernatural right now?

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2007/10/05】【原文翻譯】申彗星80年代的top star李容及新生代trot歌手朴賢彬對唱



首先,6日下午330分開始放送的mbcshow!音樂中心》的‘power stage 相遇作秀中,和李容一同演唱李容的80年代最熱門歌曲被遺忘的季節(直譯)




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蘭嶼生態危機! 寄居蟹背30cm水管為家

東森 更新日期: 2007/10/04 00:17  記者:記者吳宜霖、龍宗緯/台東報導







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The Jackie and Sarah Sessions: What's The Deal With John Winchester?

We're back with another entry in the Jackie and Sarah Sessions. This time, Sarah shoots her mouth off about poor dead John Winchester – is he a driven hunter, or the world's worst dad? Plus, she clues Jackie in on the real reason to watch the show – the amazing relationship between the brothers Winchester.


Jackie: explain me this.

Jackie: what is the deal with John Winchester?

Jackie: is he a bad man?

Sarah: Heh.

Jackie: why do people love him?

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'Supernatural' Premiere Nearly Upon Us

For the latest Supernatural news, subscribe to our RSS feed or email newsletter. Email this Article to a Friend

October 2, 2007

The third season of Supernatural is nearly upon us with just two days to go before it premieres on Thursday, October 4 at 9pm on The CW.  The wait will soon be over and we'll all be back on a danger-filled adventure with the Supernatural boys, Sam and Dean Winchester.

We'll all also finally see their new much-talked about female counterparts in action to see just how much conflict or cooperation they give our series heroes.  Before we fully immerse ourselves in the continuing Supernatural saga however, let's take one final look at what we can look forward to in the next chapter of the show.

First off, regarding the nature of incoming female characters, Bela and Ruby, played by Lauren Cohan and Kate Cassidy respectively, show creator and executive producer, Eric Kripke has already assured fans that they are "not turning into One Tree Hill with monsters.”  He clarified that they are simply broadening the world of Supernatural to hopefully follow in the footsteps of previously successful genre shows like The X-Files, which has been elevated to iconic stature.

Kripke has also promised that the upcoming season will be Supernatural's most thrilling yet, saying "It's war.  We're at war...we feel this is the most exciting season yet."

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申彗星出演了930播出的SBS TV‘尋找笑聲的人‘pongpongpong’環節,作秀了保護村落的pongpongpong的老  ,展現諧劇一面。當天的播出中申彗星出演的‘pongpongpong’部分因為大統合民主新黨的釜山慶尚南道競選結果的發表,中間插播新聞速報,致使節目播出中斷後再次播放。


當天的節目是申彗星出道10年來首次出演諧劇節目,早在節目播出前就成為了話題。申彗星是921錄影的。自打正式錄影前2周開始,申彗星在待機室,公司辦公室不避諱時間和地點,練習pongpongpong dance,連演出服都是親自設計的,足以見得其熱情之高。




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亮相宣傳新劇 林志穎青春依舊立威廉俊朗灑脫

2007年10月03日 08:23:27  來源︰新華網





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