


The Jackie and Sarah Sessions: What's The Deal With John Winchester?

We're back with another entry in the Jackie and Sarah Sessions. This time, Sarah shoots her mouth off about poor dead John Winchester – is he a driven hunter, or the world's worst dad? Plus, she clues Jackie in on the real reason to watch the show – the amazing relationship between the brothers Winchester.


Jackie: explain me this.

Jackie: what is the deal with John Winchester?

Jackie: is he a bad man?

Sarah: Heh.

Jackie: why do people love him?

Sarah: Ah, the eternal question

Sarah: OK, this is where I get in trouble with some of the fans.


Sarah: So John went through something horrific -- he saw his wife burned on the ceiling, his home burn down, all the stuff he never thought existed was suddenly real -- and he devoted his life to taking those nasty things on

Sarah: And he became obsessed.

Jackie: ok.

Sarah: he pissed a lot of people off, burnt a lot of bridges (both literally and figuratively, I'd image) and treated his kids like soldiers working for the cause.

Sarah: In MY opinion, he never was a father for them -- he was a drill sergeant.

Sarah: I hate him, think he was a crappy father. A lot of people think he did everything he could, he's a lot better than anyone else would have done, etc.

Sarah: And part of that is because JDM rocks.

Sarah: And John as a person, without kids? I might like him. John with kids? Drives me insane, and I want to drop kick him

Sarah: I think the guys suffered for having him as a father..

Sarah: Dean has the self-esteem of a one-winged gnat, and Sam left home, never to return, because his dad wouldn't hear of him wanting a different life

Sarah: Dean is convinced his only purpose in life it to protect his family, and that led to him trading his soul to save Sam.

Jackie: wait, so Dean has no soul now?

Sarah: No, he's got a year

Sarah: Then the demon comes and takes it, and he dies and goes to hell

Sarah: But hey, he did his job! So he's fine with it

Sarah: Sam... not so much

Sarah: Every waitress in small towns in America -- also not so much.

Sarah: Everyone who watches the show -- OH HELL NO IS HE GOING TO DIE

Sarah: Because the thing is, each brother is pretty damn spiffy. But the two of them together, interacting and helping each other and pissing each other off -- that's what makes the show

Sarah: That relationship is one of the truest sibling relationships I've ever seen on TV.

Jackie: wow. that's high praise.

Sarah: It's deserved

Sarah: It's a really true show -- but there are werewolves and monsters and the occasional blood-thirsty ghost.

Sarah: But even if you don't like the blood-thirsty bits, it's worth watching for the brothers

Sarah: You hide your eyes during the gory bits, and get into the rest of the show

Sarah: And you have to understand -- I HATED horror when I started watching this show.

Sarah: I jump at EVERYTHING

Sarah: friends of mine don't like sitting next to me in theaters during scary movies because I FLAIL when I get scared.

Sarah: But this show has sucked me in, and made me even like the bloody bits

Sarah: It's worth it, I'm telling you


Is Jackie buying it? Will she succumb to the lure of Supernatural? Will Sarah survive airing her unpopular opinion about Dead Daddy Winchester? Tune in later to see!






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