CW Source Exclusive: Jensen Ackles, Part One
September 13, 2007
Jensen Ackles - Part 1 - The CW Source
This is turning out to be quite a Thursday at the Source. We got the day off to a great start with Allison Mack, and now it's time for part one of our interview with Jensen Ackles! We've had lots of Jared over the past week, but now it's Jensen's turn. In this chat with Jason C. from Vancouver , Jensen talks Dean's to-do list, what attracted him to the role, and more. Without further ado... here's Jensen!
Posted by Jackie at 11:14 AM
CW 獨家報導︰Jensen Ackles,第一部分
這變成為相當不錯的星期四。我們請一天假與Allison Mack有一次大的開始,現在該是我們訪問Jensen Ackles第一部份的時候了﹗我們在過去一週已經有許多Jared的消息,但是現在是該輪到Jensen了。在這與來自溫哥華的Jensen C.的聊天過程中,Jensen聊聊Dean的行程,及什麼角色吸引他,等很多。不多話...這裡就是Jensen﹗
'Supernatural' Premiere Sneak Preview - With Pictures
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September 13, 2007
Supernatural returns October 4 with the episode "The Magnificent Seven," which picks up hot on the heels of Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean's (Jensen Ackles) demon venting encounter. A lot of questions surrounding the return of Supernatural focus on the two new additions to the cast, Lauren Cohen and Katie Cassidy, playing Bela and Ruby respectfully.
Will the girls be tough enough, or too tough for their fawny exteriors. Thanks to some newly released promotional pics we can answer that question for one of the new Supernatural Girls.
In this first action pose, you can see that Katie Cassidy really has her scowl down well, but is she holding the knife backwards? It may just be the design of the blade, but it looks backwards both from the thickness of the edge and the sharp angle. Who knows, I'm just saying.
The do, the skin, maybe a little too clean. But the Winchester boys always looked like they came out on the winning end of a facial themselves, so who am I to knock a little beauty? The bottom line is, I trust the casting. But if that knife was backwards, we have to do something about that.
Will there be demon action? Just ask Lust and Envy above. Take a wild guess at which one is Lust. In "The Magnificent Seven" the brothers and some other hunters are on the lurk for the seven demons they let out of hell in the season 2 finale. Dean gets a little bit of a shock when he finds out that one of the demons, Envy, knows him by name.
There is a good possibility that Bella pics will be coming out soon, however for reasons you will find out in our upcoming interview with Supernatural's executive producer Robert Singer, Ruby's presence doesn't necessarily require Bella's. Stay tuned.
- Jon Lachonis, BuddyTV Senior Writer
(Images Courtesy of the CW)