


kara的成員韓勝妍(音譯)在新歌'secret world'的音樂中起舞,看了這段作秀的李玟雨說是個經過高度訓練過的舞蹈。給予她像個舞者的評價。李玟雨說神話時節能邊唱usha usha邊跳舞蹈就是高度訓練的結果好像看到那時的舞蹈他接著說。


認真看過玄英的舞蹈的李玟雨說忙碌的舞蹈讓大家驚詫。mc申東業問是什麼意思,他說玄英小姐作為歌手 演員 mc等萬能藝人活動,要熟悉舞蹈,感覺好忙這一話引發studio內笑成一片。


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2005年播放的MBC電視劇《新進社員》,在“2007 KOREA?DRAMA?FESTIVAL”的開幕式上,接受由大約13000位網民選出來的最高韓國電視劇獎

今年迎來了第二屆的“2007 KOREA?DRAMA?FESTIVAL”在今年新開設了“KOREA?DRAMA?AWARD”,和ARIRANG電視台共同合作選拔由亞洲網民選出的最高電視劇獎,開始具備了國際活動的框架。5日,以慶南晉州舉行的“2007 KOREA?DRAMA?FESTIVAL”為開端,預計到9日為止在晉州市一帶進行與電視劇相關的多種活動。





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Supernatural's Bella and Ruby Pictures Revealed!

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September 5, 2007

Supernatural fans have had their first look at Supernatural's new girls thanks to Michael Ausiello at TV Guide who scored the first exclusive pictures of Kate Cassidy (Ruby) and Lauren Cohan (Bella) in action.  At the same time, he also reiterated what most Supernatural fans should know by know: the girls are definitely not being introduced as potential love interests for Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki).  Regardless, they still look pretty snazzy considering they are supposed to be playing battle hardened individuals. Will Supernatural fans bite?

The good - and not so new - news is that the girls will not be wedged in to play footsies with the boys.  In executive producer Eric Kripke's words, they are actually antagonists.  Who is to blame for the love interest rumors?  Maybe whoever put together the casting sides who was sure to include sexual advances and double entendres of the lusty variety.  It doesn't really matter, not yet anyways.

"There's a misconception that they're being introduced as love interests. They're not; they're being introduced as antagonists," Kripke told Ausiello.  However, he did follow up with "If the chemistry is there, and we see the sparks, and we want it to happen, and the fans want it to happen, it'll happen."  Nothing in there about what if Dawn Ostroff wants it to happen.

From the two shots it is hard to tell if the girls are going to work as tough cookies.  Katie Cassidy is wearing a slight believable sneer that Billy Idol would definitely not approve of, and Cohan is holding a Desert Eagle with a nearly perfect automatic pistol two hand grip, but doesn't have the steely glare to match, more like doey eyes.

Of course the flop factor comes when they start to move and talk, that is what we will have to wait and see.  To see the pics, visit Ausiello's column here.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2007090314:35  天下英才周刊






記者 雷明霞

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以男性二人組Main Stream重新展開活動的歌手宇顏錫坦白了自己參加過神話選拔的事實


宇顏錫在歌手出道前在美國遊學時參加了“1997年韓國大型唱片公司舉辦的全美韓人歌謠節,當時初次見到現下Main Stream的另一位成員mc K和申彗星。在當時的全美韓人歌謠節中,申彗星闖入決賽,mc K得到大賞。此後,申彗星和宇顏錫共同參加了多個公司的選秀,關係也變得親密起來

宇顏錫當時決意要3個人一起做音樂,之后我以Click-B,彗星以神話出道,而mc K則以solo歌手的身分出道。過去10年了,和mc K哥結成二人組真是無限感慨啊

申彗星想要參與宇顏錫和mc K結成的二人組Main Stream的正規1輯,但是由於和solo2輯的錄音工作相重合,不得已沒能參加



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'Supernatural' Stars to Attend Convention Saluting Various Genre Series

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September 2, 2007

Creation Entertainment, a company that produces conventions for fans of genre film and television, is holding a tribute convention in November. Among the shows that the company is saluting is the CW's Supernatural, and according to their website, series stars Jared Padalecki  and Jensen Ackles will be attending the event.

On the paranormal drama, Padalecki and Ackles portray brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, respectively.  Sam is known to be rational and sensitive, qualities that distinguish him from Dean. Sam and Dean are demon hunters, a profession they inherited from their father.  Towards the end of the previous season, Dean makes a deal with a demon in order to bring back Sam from the dead.

Also attending the convention as special guests are Fredric Lehne and Samantha Ferris.Both actors also appear in Supernatural, with Lehne playing the Yellow-Eyed Demon and Ferris playing Ellen Harvelle.

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823金澤作為起點,經過東京,大阪,29日名古屋作為終點,日本4地進行的申彗星君的日本首次個唱‘THE BEGINNING, NEW DAYS - SHIN HYE SUNG FIRST TOUR in JAPAN’圓滿的結束了





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A funky blend of Rock, Country, Blues and Soul - Steve/Jason/Jensen

30 August 2007 @ 09:31 pm

Steve Carlson, Jason Manns & Jensen Ackles.......
(met, touched and talked to all 3!!!)

From Steve's MySpace, taken on August 5th 2007 at Steve's bday gig! 

Danneel was there with Jensen too and according to eye-witnesses (you know who you are! *g*) they were very much in love :) 

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'Supernatural' Fans Keep on Giving

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August 30, 2007

A few months back, we featured the fandom fund raising project “Fandom Rocks,” which successfully raised some cash for a homeless shelter in Lawrence , Kansas using nothing but the popularity of the CW's smash hit Supernatural.  Another charitable effort the stems from Supernatural fans seemingly endless capacity for generosity is Operation: Winchester .  The campaign is targeted at bringing some much-needed relief to the soldiers in Iraq by way of fan donated DVD sets of Supernatural Season 1.


The project has its home at the Supernatural underground website, a collective of fans from around the globe united in helping to promote the show and the various charitable and fan events that spawn from it.

The effort used to record the names of the soldiers that received packages from Supernatural fans, but that practice has been dashed due to security concerns. Still, judging by the popularity of the campaign, its safe to assume there are plenty of American soldiers in Iraq indoctrinated to the Winchester brothers war against evil.

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